Ellen Roseman's Bio

Ellen Roseman is a journalist who sticks up for ordinary Canadians. She’s been advocating for consumer rights for the past 40 years.

When you hear about consumer issues in Canada, you can’t avoid finding references to Ellen Roseman. She’s become a brand name for activism and a champion at helping consumers fight back against injustices. People praise her direct, down to earth and common sense writing style.

Ellen’s personal finance and consumer columns appeared in the Toronto Star for 20 years until 2019.

She was the Star’s business editor for two years (1997-1998). Before that, she was with the Globe and Mail as a columnist and associate managing editor of the Report on Business.

Her books, Money 101: Every Canadian’s Guide to Personal Finance, and Money 201: More Personal Finance Advice for Every Canadian, are an easy-to-understand introduction to personal finance for those of us who are short of time and money.

She’s the author of four other books, Ellen Roseman’s Money Guide for Modern Families, Canadian Parent’s Sourcebook, Canadian Consumers’ Survival Book and Consumer, Beware! The most recent book is Fight Back: 81 Ways to Help You Save Money and Protect Yourself from Corporate Trickery.

She’s been teaching courses in investing and personal finance at the University of Toronto’s continuing studies department since 2004. Her specialties are learning how to invest for beginners and how to become a smart consumer.

Ellen is a former board chair and current director of the Canadian Foundation for Advancement of Investor Rights (FAIR Canada). She also hosts the MoneySaver Podcast, sponsored by Canadian MoneySaver magazine.